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Sucursal Medford

Plano del sitio

¿Hay una biblioteca en Medford?

¡Todavía no! La Sucursal de Medford es un trabajo en progreso. Será unaucursal de 11,000 pies cuadrados con 5,500 pies cuadrados de espacio terminado, lo que brindará un mayor acceso a los servicios de la biblioteca para los residentes de Patchogue-Medford.

¿Dónde va a estar?

La Sucursal de Medford estará en el Complejo Medford Athletic en Horseblock Road.

¿Cuándo se construirá?

La construcción comenzó en marzo de 2022 y se espera que esté terminada en la primavera de 2024.

Tengo preguntas/ comentarios / inquietudes.

¡Queremos escuchar sus comentarios! Póngase en contacto con la directora de la Biblioteca,Danielle Paisley.

Ladrillo grabado con "Su mensaje especial aquí"

¡Ayúdanos con el sendero de ladrillos!

Los  Amigos de la Biblioteca dePatchogue-Medfordestán patrocinando esta recaudación de fondos para la construcción y mantenimiento de la  Biblioteca  Sucursal de Medford.

Comprando un ladrillo dejará un legado duradero en el patio de la Biblioteca Medford Branch.

¿Quizás le gustaría conmemorar a un ser querido o agradecer a un maestro? ¿Quizás te gustaría compartir el título de un libro o una cita de tu autor favorito?

Estos adoquines mostrarán el nombre de su familia, club o grupo y/o un mensaje personalizado. ¡Las empresas también son bienvenidas a participar para mostrar su apoyo a la Biblioteca! (y psst … ¡Un ladrillo personalizado sin duda sería un regalo único!)

Medford Library es posible en parte gracias a:



Suffolk County Water Authority installed water at the street! Today, the plumber is connecting the water to the Library building. We have been waiting a VERY long time for this to happen, and we are finally reaching this milestone. Stay tuned!

Winter 2023-24

The parking lot is finished and all sidewalks and ramps have been installed. We are now awaiting approval from Suffolk County to connect the gas, water and fiber needed to run the building. As a reminder, the Library leases the land at no cost from the Town of Brookhaven, but has covered the costs of construction through donations, grants and the Library’s reserve funds. The Medford Athletic Complex entrance is on Horseblock Rd, a County Rd., that requires a separate permit to connect utilities through it. We are awaiting approval to continue the work. Once the utilities are connected, and all is inspected, we will be able to move into the building and get ready to open. Stay tuned.

Fall 2023

Work continues on the Medford Branch of the Patchogue Medford Library. While we hoped to be open by now, the universe has had other plans. The trench has finally been closed alongside the parking lot, now that gas, water and internet conduits have all been installed. We are still waiting for connections to be made–this will take place at Horseblock Rd and may cause some minor delays when it occurs. The contractor continues to create ramps and sidewalks in front of the building. Once that is finished, the parking lot can be installed. Fingers crossed that they are able to complete this work in the next few weeks. We will start moving items into the building once the parking lot is complete, and then will have a better idea of an opening date. Thanks for your patience and please call the Director with any questions.

Summer 2023

Early May 2023

Every day, we get a little bit closer!

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