Now on view at the Patchogue-Medford Library is Expressions, a group exhibition featuring select artists of Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE). The exhibition, curated by FREE’s Senior Habilitation Specialist Glyn Evans, consists of a series of expressionistic, acrylic polymer paintings that are based on everyday feelings and emotions. The artists included in the exhibition are Wanda B., James D., Daniel F., Tiffany G., Kathy H., Freddie H., John L., Carol L., Freddie H., Louis S., Alexandrea S., and Jordan Z.
FREE exhibitions feature dynamic works of art created by individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. The images in this exhibition are powerful and moving, both for the viewers and the artists. The works are a testament to the important role art has in self-expression and empowerment. FREE believes that art is an expressive outlet that fortifies the artists’ successful, ongoing contributions to their communities. 2020 is the eighth year artists of FREE have exhibited their work at the Patchogue-Medford Library.

About The Artwork
Expressions depicts a wide range of emotions. Historically, artists have considered physical expressions of the body as a means of depicting the internal feelings of the self – a sentiment shared by the artists in this exhibit. According to Evans, the artists worked on this series for roughly five months, in which they contemplated certain emotions as well as the best way to express these feelings through paint. “Our artists delved into their own hearts and souls, and also through long discussions, chose an emotion which they wished to bring to life,” Evans wrote in the accompanying exhibition essay. After these reflections, the artists worked out their compositional arrangements on paper before resolving the relationship between gesture and feeling in paint. For these artists, when words fail, painting is a cathartic experience as well as the means to express these complex emotions.

Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE), founded in 1977, benefits and proudly supports more than 4,000 individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities, mental illness and traumatic brain injury. It is the mission of FREE to help individuals of all abilities realize their full potential. FREE provides a diverse array of supports and services including housing; recovery services; transition to work; employment; day, community and family services; respite; crisis services; education and after school support; specialty health services; and advocacy. For more information on FREE, call 516-870-7000 or visit
Expressions is on display in the Claire Davidson Siegel Gallery at the Patchogue-Medford Library from March 1 – April 30. An Artist Reception will be held on Thursday, March 5, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. The reception is free and open to the public.