From September 4 through October 26, 2024, the Patchogue-Medford Library will host the solo exhibition Motion in Light, featuring the work of Alina Wilczynski. The exhibition explores the idea that our every action, thought and imagining – as energy – leaves trails of their existence as they travel out and expand over time. As well that this energy, which is swirling around us at all times, intertwines with every action, thought and imagining of all those around us, making incredible real-time art in perpetual motion.
The Artwork

About the Artist
Alina Wilczynski has exhibited her photography and multi-media work in galleries throughout the NYC-Metro area including SUNY Utica Gallery, Bethune Gallery (NYC), Leslie Lohman Gallery (NYC), and The NYC LGBT Center as a featured artist for a series of Pride Month exhibits presented throughout Manhattan by The New York Public Library. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Photography at Farmingdale State College (SUNY), leads workshops and immersive light painting demonstrations for adults and children, and has been accepted into the US Department of Education-funded Patchogue Arts Council PEACE (Partners in Education, Arts, & Community Empowerment) Project which brings educators, artists and cultural partners together to foster college- and career-readiness, civic engagement, DEI and social-emotional learning through the arts. To learn more about the artist, visit
About PAC
The Patchogue Arts Council, Inc., was formed to encourage, support, and promote the arts. Patchogue Arts Council • Museum of Contemporary Art L.I. exhibitions are made possible with direct funding from Suffolk County & the grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. For more information, visit
About the Claire Davidson Siegel Gallery
Claire Davidson Siegel Gallery is an exhibition space in the Patchogue-Medford Library dedicated to exhibiting the artwork of Long Island-based artists and arts organizations. If you are interested in exhibiting your artwork, we invite you to submit an exhibition proposal. To learn more, visit
Motion in Light, a solo exhibition featuring the artwork of Alina Wilczynski, will be on display the Claire Davidson Siegel Gallery of the Patchogue-Medford Light from September 4 through October 26, 2024. An artist reception and interactive light experience is scheduled for Saturday, October 5, from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. All are welcome to attend.