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Research Databases

Featured Databases

Craft & Hobby

Unlock your creative potential with the largest resource of video-on-demand learning in the craft and hobby space.

Weiss Financial Ratings

Tools to protect your finances, invest wisely, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.

New York Times All Access

Free access to everything the New York Times has to offer including News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter and The Athletic!

Databases by Subject


Thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.

Unlock your creative potential with the largest resource of video-on-demand learning in the craft and hobby space.

Auto Repair Source


This database contains do-it-yourself repair and maintenance information on thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. Content has been provided by MOTOR Information Systems.


Provides access to repair, maintenance and service information on the most popular cars, trucks, vans and SUVs on the road today, as well as many new vehicles.

Small Engine Repair Reference Center

A database for patrons seeking reference and instructional information about small engine machinery maintenance and repair.

Find in-depth, original profiles of current biographies with full-text articles, page images and abstracts from today’s leading magazines and journals.

Gale Literary Index

Combines and cross-references author names and listings for titles of works into one source. Provides access to listings from over 130 literature products from Gale and the imprints Charles Scribner’s Sons, St. James Press, and Twayne Publishers.

Gale Literature

Brings together Gale’s premier literary databases in a new digital environment that allows researchers, faculty and students to search across these resources to discover and analyze content in entirely new ways.

Gale Literature Criticism

Takes literature, history and culture to the next level with the largest, most extensive compilation of literary commentary available. Covers a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras and genres.

Provides access to reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction. A readers’ advisory resource.

Provides comprehensive access to all volumes ever printed in Gale’s Something About the Author series, which examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults.

Business Insights Essentials

Provides detailed company and industry profiles as well as company histories.

Gale Directory Library

Ebook collection covering manufacturers and distributors from small businesses to large corporations.

Gale eBooks


Includes Business Plans Handbook, the Encyclopedia of Small Business, and the Encyclopedia of Management.

Data Axle Reference Solutions

Business and consumer database covering over 51 million businesses as well as U.S. Standard White Pages. Perfect for job seekers, sales leads, and finding key business people and contact information. (Formerly Reference USA)

Weiss Financial Ratings

Tools to protect your finances, invest wisely, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.

Brainfuse Adult Learning Center

Access to adult learning services including GED prep, 24/7 writing lab, live tutoring, career resources, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more.

Brainfuse JobNow

Live, anytime, anywhere job assistance, including up-to-date nation-wide and local job search engines, professional resume critique and proven interview techniques.

Brainfuse VetNow

Connect with an expert to learn more about eligible VA benefits and community resources.

Gale Presents Peterson's Test Prep

Resources to help you prepare tests, change careers, or improve basic career skills.

Gale Presents Udemy

Learn and improve skills across business, tech, design, and personal interests. Connect to 4000+ on-demand video courses taught by world-class instructors.

How to Use on Mobile:
Udemy Business is available on mobile for both iOS and Android. Download the iOS app or Android app wherever you download your apps.

Once the app is downloaded you will be prompted to input your organization’s account name. Input “gale” without the quotes.

Please note that the Udemy Business app is distinct, and Udemy Business accounts cannot be accessed via the mobile app.

The Udemy Business Android mobile app is not supported on Chromebooks or Chrome OS devices.

ABC Mouse

ABCmouse is 100% educational and 100% fun, with more than 10,000 learning activities for ages 2-8+ (books, puzzles, educational games, science videos, art activities, songs) that encompass reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music—including more than 2,000 STEM and 1,200 Spanish-language learning activities.

Adventure Academy

Adventure Academy (ages 8-13) is an educational, multiplayer online game for elementary and middle school students. Library card holders can create one account with multiple child profiles per household. To access this service, you will need a PML Library card and its corresponding password.

Brainfuse HelpNow

Assists patrons in every step of the college admissions process, making higher education more accessible and attainable for all.

Brainfuse HelpNow

Homework Help, Language Learning, eLearning resources, Writing Lab, and more.

Britannica School

A safe, up-to-date, and age-appropriate information resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School.

ProQuest CultureGrams


Provides country reports that go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver a one-of-a-kind perspective on daily life and culture, including the background, customs, and lifestyles of the world’s people.

Explora: an EBSCO Experience


Makes research easy for students.

Gale eBooks


Includes The College Blue Book, Peterson’s Four-Year Colleges, Peterson’s Two-Year Colleges, and Peterson’s Private Secondary Schools.

Age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of subjects taught in the classroom like animals, arts and music, social studies, and more.

Engaging reference, periodical, and multimedia content supporting national and state curriculum standards for grades 6 to 12 in language arts, social studies, and science.

A trusted source of read-alike recommendations specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests.


Comprehensive access to encyclopedia articles, web links, periodical articles, animations, maps and more.

2-1-1 Long Island. Get Connected. Get Answers.

A database of Long Island community resources. Find local health and human services agencies and programs to meet your needs.

Home Improvement Reference Center

Your source for “how-to” information on a variety of do-it-yourself home improvement and repair projects.

CLCD Enterprise

The premier single-source, single-search provider of online information to help educators and librarians find just the right books to meet their educational and collection management requirements.

Provides full text for titles in the ERIC database — a great resource for a variety of educators—from teachers and administrators to those studying in the field at the collegiate and graduate level.

ERIC Institute of Education Sciences

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources.

Provides indexing and abstracts for nearly 300 peer-reviewed journals. Topics covered include Best Practices, Curriculum Development, Literacy Standards, Pedagogical Research, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Science & Mathematics, School Administration, and more.

An accurate, current, and comprehensive resource for college-level learners, researchers, and faculty.

Britannica School

A safe, up-to-date, and age-appropriate information resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School.

Explora: an EBSCO Experience


Makes research easy for students.

Gale eBooks


Includes a number of different encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research.


Comprehensive access to encyclopedia articles, web links, periodical articles, animations, maps and more.

For more information about genealogy research at the Library, see the genealogy page.

(In-Library Use Only)

Access to more than 1.4 billion records spanning twenty-two countries covering the United States, the British Isles, continental Europe, and beyond.


(In-Library Use Only)


Includes billions of records to help you find your family’s story.

Find My Past

(In-Library Use Only)

The complete British and Irish family history experience, to connect you with your ancestors and bring your story to life.


Provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served.



A comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, convenient research guides, interactive census maps, and more.

MyHeritage Library Edition

Contains billions of historical documents from more than 48 countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes and additional historical photos, public records, indexes and additional resources.

Newspapers dating from the 1700s to the 2000s.

Primary Source Archive Package

Includes Civil War Primary Source Documents, Gateway to North America, and Revolutionary War Era Orderly Books.

Sanborn Digital Maps

Fire insurance maps from 1867-1970 — New York State only.

Foundation Directory Online

(In-Library Use Only)

Up-to-date, complete information about grantmakers and grants for your organization.


(In-Library Use Only)

Lets you know what government and foundation grants are currently available through user-friendly grant search and grant summaries.

Health and Medicine

Information created specifically for students, knowledgeable consumer health researchers, and health care professionals.


Provides access to thousands of medical journals covering medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences and much more.

Black Life in America

The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media. Content sourced from more than 19,000 American and global news sources, including over 400 current and historical Black publications. Covers time period from the early 18th to the early 21st century.

History Reference Center

Thousands of reliable resources — including primary source documents, biographies, photos, maps and videos — to help you complete your research.

Primary Source Archive Package

Includes Civil War Primary Source Documents, Gateway to North America, and Revolutionary War Era Orderly Books.

Historic Newspapers

Historic newspapers available to Suffolk County residents through



Create language courses that match your personal interests, occupation, learning goals, skill level, age, schedule and motivation. 160 languages available.

Rosetta Stone Library Solution


Learn a brand new language, further their ESL learning as non-native English speakers, or brush up on a language for business or vacation travel. For additional information on how to use this resource, visit our Language Learning page.

An online tool for helping low-income New Yorkers solve their legal problems.

Law Topic Guide

Guide to personal law provided by your local public library. Topics include bankruptcy, citizenship, courts, Federal & New York laws, divorce/family law, foreclosure, lawyer/legal aid directories, legal forms, legal research, local laws/building codes, and resources in Spanish.

Gale LegalForms


Thousands of legal forms available. Official, state-specific, federal, business, personal, real estate and general forms covering a range of legal subjects and issues.

NuWav Legal Documents

Create professional-quality documents in three simple steps: 1. Search for the document specific to your situation; 2. Answer the questions in the web input form; 3. Review and print your document.


For the Village of Patchogue eCode, click here. For the Town of Brookhaven eCode, click here. For the Suffolk County eCode, click here. For the New York State eCode, click here. For the Federal eCode, click here

Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts

Comprehensive database of abstracts from the fields of Library and Information Science.

Academic OneFile


Provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources—including podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN as well as videos from BBC Worldwide Learning.

Academic OneFile Select

Covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Integrates the full text of publications from across disciplines and includes vocational/technical titles used by community college students, filling a specific need for curriculum-oriented collections.

Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S., including the Long Island Advance.

Access to full articles in the New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993), one of the nation’s leading black newspapers of the 20th century and one of New York’s most influential black-owned institutions.

Computer Science

Provides access to more than 600 leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries.

Consumer Reports Magazine via Livebrary

Articles on health, public safety, marketplace economics and the judicial & regulatory actions that affect consumers. Issues and articles from 1985 on.

Consumer Reports Website


Library access to online resources at Consumer Consumer Reports is an independent, nonprofit member organization that works side by side with consumers for truth, transparency, and fairness in the marketplace.



Digital newsstand offering content across your favorite devices. Access to newspapers and magazines combined with an easy-to-use interface.

General OneFile

Organized by subject for targeted results based on your interests. Topics include Careers, Computers and Technology, Education, Health, History, News and Current Events, Personal Finance, and Self-Improvement.

OneFile News

Access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. Also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.

A growing digital library that includes multiples types and formats of content. Find peer-reviewed scholarly journals, respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports, and primary sources from libraries’ special collections and archives.

Long Island Advance

Access to recent issues and issues dating back to 2007. The Advance is the oldest operating newspaper in Brookhaven Town, and the longest continually operated business in the Village of Patchogue.

Magazines, A to Z

An A to Z list of journals and magazines you can access online with your library card. Includes browse by title and browse by subject options, and a list of additional resources to aid your search.


Up-to-the-moment access to with no limit on the number of articles viewed. Read today’s news stories as they happen. This resource requires you to create a free individual account. You may use your existing account, if you have one. Find more info here.

Comprehensive digital coverage dating back to 1980, including The New York Times Book Review and Sunday Magazine.

New York Times Historical, 1851-2017

Access to articles published by The New York Times during the stated time period. The Historical New York Times with Index (1851-1993) provides search capability using subject terms and topics.

Newsday, 1985-current

Access to recent issues and issues dating back to 1985. Newsday is a daily New York newspaper with a focus on Nassau and Suffolk counties.

Newsday Historical, 1940-1992

Access to articles published by Newsday during the stated time period.

Digital newsstand featuring 7000+ of the world’s most popular newspapers & magazines!

U.S. Newsstream

Search recent U.S. news content as well as archives stretching back to the 1980s. Includes CBS News 60 Minutes, U.S. Hispanic Newsstream, U.S. Major Dailies, and U.S. regional newstreams.

USA Today

Explore National history through local news, events, and people with USA Today Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.

The Wall Street Journal, 1984-current

Indexed collection covering the period from 1984 to the present. The Wall Street Journal is an American business-focused, English-language international daily newspaper based in New York City.

The Wall Street Journal Historical, 1889-2003

Access to articles published by The Wall Street Journal during the stated time period.

PML Music Indexes

Patchogue-Medford Library has one of the best and finest collections of printed music in Suffolk County. Browse and search the online indexes of our popular and classical sheet music, encompassing a range of genres and types of music in many formats.

Personal Finance Research Guide

Collection of financial literacy resources provided by your local public library. Includes media and reading lists, financial calculators, budgeting worksheets, credit basics, and more. Organizing topics include Renters & Homeowners, College Students & New Adulthood, Basics of Investing, Investing after 60, and Major Purchases – Buying a Car.

Financial Literacy – Saving Money is Fun and Important (Children and Parents)

For families with children in 1st-5th grade. Resources on the History of Money, Money-Saving Tricks, Shopping with Your Child, and children’s books on financial literacy.

Weiss Financial Ratings

Tools to protect your finances, invest wisely, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.


Research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

Science Online

Offers a comprehensive overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines that facilitate STEM research and learning. Topic Centers feature specially selected content on core science disciplines to help researchers find a starting point.

Science Reference Center


Designed to meet every student researcher’s needs. Contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books and a vast collection of images.

Opposing Viewpoints

Online resource covering timely social issues.  Supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions.

Britannica Escolar

For native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish. Two levels—Primaria for elementary and Secundaria for middle school—offer unique content that is of interest to every student.

Informe Academico

Provides quality reference material—not simply translations of English-language materials—on a powerful, easy-to-use interface configured for Spanish-speaking users, allowing researchers to analyze topics and conduct research in Spanish.

Arts & Crafts

Database Description Tutorial
Creativebug Thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.
Craft & Hobby Craft & Hobby Unlock your creative potential with the largest resource of video-on-demand learning in the craft and hobby space.

Auto and Small Engine Repair

Database Description Tutorial
Auto Repair Source
Use at Home
Use in Library
This database contains do-it-yourself repair and maintenance information on thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. Content has been provided by MOTOR Information Systems.
Chilton Library Chilton Library
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides access to repair, maintenance and service information on the most popular cars, trucks, vans and SUVs on the road today, as well as many new vehicles.
Small Engine Repair Reference Center Small Engine Repair Reference Center
Use at Home
Use in Library
A database for patrons seeking reference and instructional information about small engine machinery maintenance and repair.


Database Description
Biography Reference Bank Biography Reference Bank
Use at Home
Use in Library
Find in-depth, original profiles of current biographies with full-text articles, page images and abstracts from today’s leading magazines and journals.

Books and Literature

Database Description Tutorial
Gale Literary Index Gale Literary Index Combines and cross-references author names and listings for titles of works into one source. Provides access to listings from over 130 literature products from Gale and the imprints Charles Scribner's Sons, St. James Press, and Twayne Publishers.
Gale Literature Gale Literature Brings together Gale's premier literary databases in a new digital environment that allows researchers, faculty and students to search across these resources to discover and analyze content in entirely new ways.
Gale Literature Gale Literature Criticism Takes literature, history and culture to the next level with the largest, most extensive compilation of literary commentary available. Covers a range of modern and historical views on authors and their works across regions, eras and genres.
Discover Books with NoveList Plus Novelist Plus
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides access to reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction. A readers' advisory resource.
Something About the Author Something About the Author Provides comprehensive access to all volumes ever printed in Gale's Something About the Author series, which examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults.


Database Description Tutorial
Business Insights: Essentials Business Insights: Essentials
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides detailed company and industry profiles as well as company histories.
Gale Directory Library Gale Directory Library
Use at Home
Use in Library
Ebook collection covering manufacturers and distributors from small businesses to large corporations.
Gale eBooks Gale eBooks
Use at Home
Use in Library
Includes Business Plans Handbook, the Encyclopedia of Small Business, and the Encyclopedia of Management.
Data Axle Reference Solutions Data Axle Reference Solutions
Use at Home
Use in Library
Business and consumer database covering over 51 million businesses as well as U.S. Standard White Pages. Perfect for job seekers, sales leads, and finding key business people and contact information. (Formerly Reference USA)
Weiss Financial Ratings Weiss Financial Ratings
Tools to protect your finances, invest wisely, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.

Careers and Jobs

Database Description Tutorial
Brainfuse Adult Learning Center Brainfuse Adult Learning Center Access to adult learning services including GED prep, 24/7 writing lab, live tutoring, career resources, U.S. citizenship prep, MS Office Essential Skills Series, and more.
Brainfuse JobNow Brainfuse JobNow Live, anytime, anywhere job assistance, including up-to-date nation-wide and local job search engines, professional resume critique and proven interview techniques.
Brainfuse VetNow Brainfuse VetNow Connect with an expert to learn more about eligible VA benefits and community resources.
Gale Presents: Peterson's Test Prep Peterson’s Test Prep
Use at Home
Use in Library
Resources to help you prepare tests, change careers, or improve basic career skills.
Gale Presents: Udemy Udemy Learn and improve skills across business, tech, design, and personal interests. Connect to 4000+ on-demand video courses taught by world-class instructors.
Instructions for phone/tablet

Children's and Teen Resources

Database Description Tutorial
ABC Mouse ABC Mouse
Use at Home
Use in Library
ABCmouse is 100% educational and 100% fun, with more than 10,000 learning activities for ages 2-8+ (books, puzzles, educational games, science videos, art activities, songs) that encompass reading, math, science, social studies, art, and music—including more than 2,000 STEM and 1,200 Spanish-language learning activities.
Adventure Academy Adventure Academy Adventure Academy (ages 8-13) is an educational, multiplayer online game for elementary and middle school students. Library card holders can create one account with multiple child profiles per household. To access this service, you will need a PML Library card and its corresponding password.
Brainfuse CollegeNow Brainfuse CollegeNow Assists patrons in every step of the college admissions process, making higher education more accessible and attainable for all.
Brainfuse HelpNow Brainfuse HelpNow Homework Help, Language Learning, eLearning resources, Writing Lab, and more.
Britannica School Britannica School A safe, up-to-date, and age-appropriate information resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School.
CultureGrams CultureGrams
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides country reports that go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver a one-of-a-kind perspective on daily life and culture, including the background, customs, and lifestyles of the world's people.
Explora Explora
Use at Home
Use in Library
Makes research easy for students.
Gale eBooks Gale eBooks
Use at Home
Use in Library
Includes The College Blue Book, Peterson's Four-Year Colleges, Peterson's Two-Year Colleges, and Peterson's Private Secondary Schools.
Gale in Context: Elementary Gale in Context: Elementary
Use at Home
Use in Library
Age-appropriate, reliable, curriculum-related content covering a broad range of subjects taught in the classroom like animals, arts and music, social studies, and more.
Gale in Context: Middle School Gale in Context: Middle School
Use at Home
Use in Library
Engaging reference, periodical, and multimedia content supporting national and state curriculum standards for grades 6 to 12 in language arts, social studies, and science.
National Geographic Kids Includes the complete run of the magazine from 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos, and images. High-quality informational texts are available for primary, upper elementary, and middle school English Language Arts, social studies, and science classrooms.
Novelist Plus K-8 Novelist Plus: K-8
Use at Home
Use in Library
A trusted source of read-alike recommendations specifically for younger readers. It helps kids find books that are just right for their reading level and interests.
Worldbook Encyclopedia Online Worldbook Encyclopedia Online Comprehensive access to encyclopedia articles, web links, periodical articles, animations, maps and more.

Community Resources

Database Description
2-1-1 Long Island 2-1-1 Long Island A database of Long Island community resources. Find local health and human services agencies and programs to meet your needs.

DIY & Home Improvement

Database Description
Home Improvement Reference Source Home Improvement Reference Source
Use at Home
Use in Library
Your source for “how-to” information on a variety of do-it-yourself home improvement and repair projects.

Educators' and Teachers' Resources

Database Description
Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database
Use at Home
Use in Library
The premier single-source, single-search provider of online information to help educators and librarians find just the right books to meet their educational and collection management requirements.
Educator’s Reference Complete Educator’s Reference Complete
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides full text for titles in the ERIC database -- a great resource for a variety of educators—from teachers and administrators to those studying in the field at the collegiate and graduate level.
Use at Home
Use in Library
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources.
Teacher Reference Center Teacher Reference Center
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides indexing and abstracts for nearly 300 peer-reviewed journals. Topics covered include Best Practices, Curriculum Development, Literacy Standards, Pedagogical Research, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Science & Mathematics, School Administration, and more.


Database Description Tutorial
Britannica Academic Britannica Academic An accurate, current, and comprehensive resource for college-level learners, researchers, and faculty.
Britannica School Britannica School A safe, up-to-date, and age-appropriate information resource for Elementary, Middle, and High School.
CultureGrams Explora
Use at Home
Use in Library
Makes research easy for students.
Gale eBooks Gale eBooks
Use at Home
Use in Library
Includes a number of different encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research.
Worldbook Encyclopedia Online Worldbook Encyclopedia Online Comprehensive access to encyclopedia articles, web links, periodical articles, animations, maps and more.


For more information about genealogy research at the Library, see the genealogy page.

Database Description Tutorial (In-Library Use Only)
Use in Library
Access to more than 1.4 billion records spanning twenty-two countries covering the United States, the British Isles, continental Europe, and beyond.
America's Obituaries and Death Notices Ancestry Library Edition (In-Library Use Only)
Use in Library
Includes billions of records to help you find your family's story.
Find My Past Find My Past (In-Library Use Only)
Use in Library
The complete British and Irish family history experience, to connect you with your ancestors and bring your story to life.
Fold3 Fold3
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served.
Heritage Quest Heritage Quest
Use at Home
Use in Library
A comprehensive treasury of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, convenient research guides, interactive census maps, and more.
MyHeritage Library Edition MyHeritage Library Edition
Use at Home
Use in Library
Contains billions of historical documents from more than 48 countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes and additional historical photos, public records, indexes and additional resources.
Use at Home
Use in Library
Newspapers dating from the 1700s to the 2000s.
Primary Source Archive Package
Use at Home
Use in Library
Includes Civil War Primary Source Documents, Gateway to North America, and Revolutionary War Era Orderly Books.
Sanborn Digital Maps
Use at Home
Use in Library
Fire insurance maps from 1867-1970 -- New York State only.


Database Description Tutorial
Foundation Directory Online Foundation Directory Online Professional (In-Library Use Only)
Use in Library
Up-to-date, complete information about grantmakers and grants for your organization.
GrantWatch GrantWatch (In-Library Use Only)
Use in Library
Lets you know what government and foundation grants are currently available through user-friendly grant search and grant summaries.

Health and Medicine

Database Description
Gale Health and Medicine Gale Health and Medicine
Use at Home
Use in Library
Information created specifically for students, knowledgeable consumer health researchers, and health care professionals.
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides access to thousands of medical journals covering medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences and much more.


Database Description
Black Life in America Black Life in America The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media. Content sourced from more than 19,000 American and global news sources, including over 400 current and historical Black publications. Covers time period from the early 18th to the early 21st century.
History Reference Center History Reference Center
Use at Home
Use in Library
Thousands of reliable resources — including primary source documents, biographies, photos, maps and videos — to help you complete your research.
Primary Source Archive Package
Use at Home
Use in Library
Includes Civil War Primary Source Documents, Gateway to North America, and Revolutionary War Era Orderly Books.
Historic Newspapers Historic newspapers available to Suffolk County residents through

Language Learning

Database Description Tutorial
Pronunciator Pronunciator Create language courses that match your personal interests, occupation, learning goals, skill level, age, schedule and motivation. 160 languages available.
Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone Learn a brand new language, further ESL learning, or brush up on a language for business or vacation travel. For additional information on how to use this resource, visit our Language Learning page.


Database Description Tutorial An online tool for helping low-income New Yorkers solve their legal problems.
Law Topic Guide
Use at Home
Use in Library
Guide to personal law provided by your local public library. Topics include bankruptcy, citizenship, courts, Federal & New York laws, divorce/family law, foreclosure, lawyer/legal aid directories, legal forms, legal research, local laws/building codes, and resources in Spanish.
Gale Legal Forms Gale Legal Forms
Use at Home
Use in Library
Thousands of legal forms available. Official, state-specific, federal, business, personal, real estate and general forms covering a range of legal subjects and issues.
NuWav Legal Documents NuWav Legal Documents Create professional-quality documents in three simple steps: 1. Search for the document specific to your situation; 2. Answer the questions in the web input form; 3. Review and print your document.
eCodes For the Village of Patchogue eCode, click here. For the Town of Brookhaven eCode, click here. For the Suffolk County eCode, click here. For the New York State eCode, click here. For the Federal eCode, click here.

Library and Information Science

Database Description
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Use at Home
Use in Library
Comprehensive database of abstracts from the fields of Library and Information Science.

Magazines & Newspapers

Database Description Tutorial
Academic OneFile Academic OneFile
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources—including podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN as well as videos from BBC Worldwide Learning.
Academic OneFile Select Academic OneFile Select
Use at Home
Use in Library
Covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences. Integrates the full text of publications from across disciplines and includes vocational/technical titles used by community college students, filling a specific need for curriculum-oriented collections.
America's News America's News
Explore and stay informed on local and national topics, people, and events in areas such as business, health, education, jobs and careers, political and social issues and more. Features a wide variety of credible, vetted news sources spanning the U.S., including the Long Island Advance.
Amsterdam News Amsterdam News (New York), 1922-1993
Use at Home
Use in Library
Access to full articles in the New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993), one of the nation’s leading black newspapers of the 20th century and one of New York’s most influential black-owned institutions.
Computer Science Computer Science
Use at Home
Use in Library
Provides access to more than 600 leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries.
Consumer Reports Magazine via Livebrary
Use at Home
Use in Library
Articles on health, public safety, marketplace economics and the judicial & regulatory actions that affect consumers. Issues and articles from 1985 on.
Consumer Reports Website Consumer Reports Website
Use at Home
Use in Library
Access to online resources at Consumer Consumer Reports is an independent, nonprofit member organization that works side by side with consumers for truth, transparency, and fairness in the marketplace.
Flipster Flipster
Use at Home
Use in Library
Digital newsstand offering content across your favorite devices. Access to newspapers and magazines combined with an easy-to-use interface.
General OneFile General OneFile
Use at Home
Use in Library
Broken down by subject for targeted results based on your interests. Topics include Careers, Computers and Technology, Education, Health, History, News and Current Events, Personal Finance, and Self-Improvement.
OneFile News OneFile News
Use at Home
Use in Library
Access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. Also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts.
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A growing digital library that includes multiples types and formats of content. Find peer-reviewed scholarly journals, respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports, and primary sources from libraries’ special collections and archives.
Long Island Advance Long Island Advance Access to recent issues and issues dating back to 2007. The Advance is the oldest operating newspaper in Brookhaven Town, and the longest continually operated business in the Village of Patchogue.
Magazines, A to Z An A to Z list of journals and magazines you can access online with your library card. Includes browse by title and browse by subject options, and a list of additional resources to aid your search.
New York Times, 1980-current New York Times, All Access
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Up-to-the-moment access to with no limit on the number of articles viewed. Read today's news stories as they happen. This resource requires you to create a free individual account. You may use your existing account, if you have one. Find more info here.
New York Times, 1980-current New York Times, 1980-current
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Comprehensive digital coverage dating back to 1980, including The New York Times Book Review and Sunday Magazine.
New York Times Historical, 1851-2017 New York Times Historical, 1851-2017
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Access to articles published by The New York Times during the stated time period. The Historical New York Times with Index (1851-1993) provides search capability using subject terms and topics.
Newsday, 1985-current Newsday, 1985-current
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Access to recent issues and issues dating back to 1985. Newsday is a daily New York newspaper with a focus on Nassau and Suffolk counties.
Newsday Historical, 1940-1992 Newsday Historical, 1940-1992
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Access to articles published by Newsday during the stated time period.
PressReader PressReader
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Digital newsstand featuring 7000+ of the world's most popular newspapers & magazines!
U.S. Newsstream
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Search recent U.S. news content as well as archives stretching back to the 1980s. Includes CBS News 60 Minutes, U.S. Hispanic Newsstream, U.S. Major Dailies, and U.S. regional newstreams.
USA Today USA Today
Explore National history through local news, events, and people with USA Today Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online.
The Wall Street Journal, 1984-current The Wall Street Journal, 1984-current
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Indexed collection covering the period from 1984 to the present. The Wall Street Journal is an American business-focused, English-language international daily newspaper based in New York City.
The Wall Street JournalHistorical, 1889-2003 The Wall Street Journal Historical, 1889-2003
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Access to articles published by The Wall Street Journal during the stated time period.


Database Description
PML Music Indexes Patchogue-Medford Library has one of the best and finest collections of printed music in Suffolk County. Browse and search the online indexes of our popular and classical sheet music, encompassing a range of genres and types of music in many formats.

Personal Finance

Database Description
Personal Finance Topic Guide Collection of financial literacy resources provided by your local public library. Includes media and reading lists, financial calculators, budgeting worksheets, credit basics, and more. Organizing topics include Renters & Homeowners, College Students & New Adulthood, Basics of Investing, Investing after 60, and Major Purchases - Buying a Car.
Financial Literacy - Saving Money is Fun and Important (Children and Parents) For families with children in 1st-5th grade. Resources on the History of Money, Money-Saving Tricks, Shopping with Your Child, and children's books on financial literacy.
Weiss Financial Ratings Weiss Financial Ratings
Tools to protect your finances, invest wisely, grow your wealth, and learn more about your finances.


Database Description Tutorial
GreenFile GreenFile
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Research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Science Online
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Offers a comprehensive overview of a broad range of scientific disciplines that facilitate STEM research and learning. Topic Centers feature specially selected content on core science disciplines to help researchers find a starting point.
Science Reference Center Science Reference Center
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Designed to meet every student researcher's needs. Contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books and a vast collection of images.

Social Science

Database Description
Opposing Viewpoints Opposing Viewpoints
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Online resource covering timely social issues. Supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions.


Database Description
Britannica Escolar For native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish. Two levels—Primaria for elementary and Secundaria for middle school—offer unique content that is of interest to every student.
Informe Academico Informe Academico Provides quality reference material—not simply translations of English-language materials—on a powerful, easy-to-use interface configured for Spanish-speaking users, allowing researchers to analyze topics and conduct research in Spanish.
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